Feb 22, 2013

Are you ready?

We are!
We've been practicing!

Hope to see you at 8:30 AM in the PDS Gym on Feb. 22nd.

We're gonna put a little love in your heart
because God has lavished His love on us!

And the mayor was...

...with second grade at PDS!

We were so happy to
  have Mayor Nowell as our guest on February 15th. 
 He shared some wise advice
 and graciously answered our questions.  

His visit was the perfect conclusion for our 
social studies unit on local, state, and federal government. 
We are proud to be good citizens
 of Cleveland, Mississippi, and the United States of America!
Thank you, Mayor Nowell!

Feb 14, 2013

Rockin' Valentines

Mrs. L's class was rockin' on Valentine's Day!
We delivered our valentines and enjoyed cool,sweet treats.

we rocked out! :)

It was awesome!