Our EAGLE helps 2nd
graders stay organized!
Checking the
EAGLE daily is a great way for parents to know about what’s happening at
Return to School: papers (e.g. homework) that need to be completed and returned
to school
notes from you for me or notes from me to you
Leave at Home: completed work that does not need to be returned, but
should be reviewed
Fluency Sheet: *new
list provided each week
*60 seconds ONLY
for homework Monday through Thursday
*Record the number of words read each night.
*Remember! 60 seconds only – relax! Not getting through
the whole page is really okay!
*Do not stress out yourself or your child! 60 seconds – no more!
Reading Log: *
begins in September/ record requested
info on the log sheet
*listen to your child read aloud 10-15 min each day at least 3 days a week
*This is probably THE most beneficial way you can
your child become a better
* new
log provided each month
Wacky Words: * wacky word list
* notification through RenWeb and planner when a particular list is assigned
Words: * spelling word list
*notification through RenWeb and planner when a
particular list is assigned
* spelling test is given each Thursday
Directions for Spelling Homework:
*explanation of spelling homework assignments
Vocabulary: * list of vocabulary words from the basal reading story
* new list provided each Monday/quiz on Wednesday
Graphic Organizer: *visual
organizer for summarizing comprehension skills from the basal reading story
together in class on Tuesday
* reading comprehension test about story on Thursday
English: *papers/mini-posters about the current topic of study
papers/projects completed and kept at
school will be sent home for chapter test prep)
* quizzes
given as needed
Social Studies: * papers about the current topic of study
* quizzes given
as needed
© Planner “Shorthand” ©
Second graders are responsible for writing
their Bible verse,
spelling words, and homework assignments in
their planner.
Our special code makes copying homework
assignments more efficient!
– practice Bible verse (in planner)
– fluency sheet (in EAGLE)
– reading log
(You pick the minimum 3 days this is done
though it’s written
down each day.)
List #___– study sight words
(assigned list and any previously assigned
– check Directions for Spelling Homework for an explanation of whatever
number is assigned. For example, Sp#7
means write each spelling word neatly three times.
– study reading story vocabulary words (in EAGLE)
– English
– study social studies (papers to study will be in EAGLE)
– math
– page