Oct 30, 2013

Howdy, Partner!

We always look forward to the PDS BBQ and Hoe-down! 
Creating cowboys and cowgirls
 for our hallway display was just the beginning...

Of course, we practiced our square dance for several weeks.

On the day of the hoedown, we even had a school-wide rehearsal.
It was fun to watch everyone practice their dances one last time.

When school was over, we headed home
 and changed into our Western attire!
A few hours later - - we returned to school.
We looked g-o-o-o-o-o-o-d!


All ready to go to the BPAC and wearing a pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness month!!

Waiting patiently to walk over...

 And we are off... 

Almost show time....

Mathemagic got a thumbs up!!! 👍👍

Oct 25, 2013

Yummy yummy Applesauce!!

After learning about apples the last two weeks, we decided to make homemade applesauce today!!

First we added the apples...

Then the sugar...

Next the cinnamon....

Last we added the water...

  Now it's time to mix all the ingredients!!

After waiting all day (which seemed like a lifetime to the kids) we were able to enjoy out applesauce!! 

Everyone gave the applesauce a thumbs up!! 

Meanwhile... in Mrs. L's room...

We were also ready to make applesauce!

Into the crockpot, we added fresh, delicious apples...

... swe-e-e-t sugar...

   ... fragrant ground   

... and some clear cool water.

Are you getting hungry???

Sure wish we could add the aroma of 
homemade applesauce right here!
Our room smelled like a perfect fall day!

The hours crept by.  Finally, it was time to eat!

Hooray for applesauce!!!